Festivalplan  Fantasy Filmfest   2016  in  Frankfurt   Aktualisieren


Zum Ändern der angezeigten Filme das Filmfest und/oder das Jahr oben anklicken, das Gewünschte auswählen, und dann auf "Aktualisieren" klicken.

Do, 01.09.16 Fr, 02.09.16 Sa, 03.09.16 So, 04.09.16 Mo, 05.09.16 Di, 06.09.16 Mi, 07.09.16 Do, 08.09.16 Fr, 09.09.16 Sa, 10.09.16 So, 11.09.16
13:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
11.09.2016 13:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
15:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
02.09.2016 15:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
13:45 | CST 1 NN 10.00
They call me Jeeg Robot Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot
Fresh Blood
03.09.2016 13:45 Cinestar Metropolis 1
14:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Fresh Blood
04.09.2016 14:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
15:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
05.09.2016 15:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
15:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
06.09.2016 15:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
15:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
07.09.2016 15:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
14:30 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
08.09.2016 14:30 Cinestar Metropolis 1
15:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
09.09.2016 15:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
14:00 | CST 1 NN 12.00
Mojin - The lost Legend ?鬼吹灯之寻龙诀 / The Ghoul
Selected Features
10.09.2016 14:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
15:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
The Priests 검은 사제들
Fresh Blood
11.09.2016 15:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
17:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Deep in the Wood In Fondo al Bosco
Selected Features
02.09.2016 17:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
16:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Fresh Blood
03.09.2016 16:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
16:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Internationales Kurzfilmprogramm
04.09.2016 16:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
17:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Fresh Blood
05.09.2016 17:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
17:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
06.09.2016 17:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
17:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
We are the Flesh Tenemos la Carne
Fresh Blood
07.09.2016 17:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
16:30 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Into the Forest Dans la forêt
Selected Features
08.09.2016 16:30 Cinestar Metropolis 1
17:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
09.09.2016 17:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
16:30 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
10.09.2016 16:30 Cinestar Metropolis 1
17:15 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
11.09.2016 17:15 Cinestar Metropolis 1
20:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Opening Night
01.09.2016 20:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
19:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
02.09.2016 19:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
18:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Psycho Raman Raman Raghav 2.0
03.09.2016 18:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
18:30 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Under the Shadow زیر سایه
Fresh Blood
04.09.2016 18:30 Cinestar Metropolis 1
19:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
05.09.2016 19:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
19:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
06.09.2016 19:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
19:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV キングスグレイブ ファイナルファンタジー XV
Selected Features
07.09.2016 19:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
19:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
08.09.2016 19:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
19:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Fresh Blood
09.09.2016 19:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
18:30 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Director's Spotlight
10.09.2016 18:30 Cinestar Metropolis 1
19:30 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
11.09.2016 19:30 Cinestar Metropolis 1
21:15 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
02.09.2016 21:15 Cinestar Metropolis 1
20:30 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
03.09.2016 20:30 Cinestar Metropolis 1
20:30 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
04.09.2016 20:30 Cinestar Metropolis 1
21:00 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
05.09.2016 21:00 Cinestar Metropolis 1
21:15 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Fresh Blood
06.09.2016 21:15 Cinestar Metropolis 1
21:15 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
07.09.2016 21:15 Cinestar Metropolis 1
21:15 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Seoul Station 서울역
Selected Features
08.09.2016 21:15 Cinestar Metropolis 1
21:15 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Selected Features
09.09.2016 21:15 Cinestar Metropolis 1
20:45 | CST 1 NN 10.00
The Similars Los Parecidos
Fresh Blood
10.09.2016 20:45 Cinestar Metropolis 1
21:30 | CST 1 NN 10.00
Train to Busan 부산행
Closing Night
11.09.2016 21:30 Cinestar Metropolis 1