Festivalplan  Fantasy Filmfest   2014  in  Frankfurt   Aktualisieren


Zum Ändern der angezeigten Filme das Filmfest und/oder das Jahr oben anklicken, das Gewünschte auswählen, und dann auf "Aktualisieren" klicken.

Do, 28.08.14 Fr, 29.08.14 Sa, 30.08.14 So, 31.08.14 Mo, 01.09.14 Di, 02.09.14 Mi, 03.09.14 Do, 04.09.14 Fr, 05.09.14 Sa, 06.09.14 So, 07.09.14 Mo, 08.09.14
13:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
29.08.2014 13:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
13:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
30.08.2014 13:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
13:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Patema Inverted サカサマのパテマ
Focus Asia
31.08.2014 13:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
13:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Opening Night
01.09.2014 13:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
  • am 28.08.2014 um 20:00 im Cinestar Metropolis 8
13:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
The House at the End of Time La Casa del Fin de los Tiempos
Fresh Blood
02.09.2014 13:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
13:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
03.09.2014 13:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
  • am 01.09.2014 um 21:30 im Cinestar Metropolis 8
13:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
keine Kategorie
04.09.2014 13:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
  • am 31.08.2014 um 15:00 im Cinestar Metropolis 8
13:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Midnight Madness
05.09.2014 13:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
  • am 04.09.2014 um 23:30 im Cinestar Metropolis 8
13:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Fresh Blood
06.09.2014 13:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
13:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
07.09.2014 13:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
13:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Out of the Dark Aguas rojas
Selected Features
08.09.2014 13:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
  • am 06.09.2014 um 23:45 im Cinestar Metropolis 8
15:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
On the Edge Lev Stærkt
Selected Features
29.08.2014 15:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
15:15 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
30.08.2014 15:15 Cinestar Metropolis 8
15:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
keine Kategorie
31.08.2014 15:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
15:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
01.09.2014 15:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
15:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
The Brotherhood of Tears La Confrérie des Larmes
Selected Features
02.09.2014 15:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
15:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Fresh Blood
03.09.2014 15:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
15:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
04.09.2014 15:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
15:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
05.09.2014 15:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
15:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
A hard Day 끝까지 간다
Focus Asia
06.09.2014 15:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
15:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Fresh Blood
07.09.2014 15:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
15:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Cannibal Caníbal
Selected Features
08.09.2014 15:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
17:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Killers キラーズ
Focus Asia
29.08.2014 17:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
17:30 | CST 8 NN 9.00
The Fall of the House of Usher La chute de la maison Usher
Beat the Silence
30.08.2014 17:30 Cinestar Metropolis 8
17:15 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Fresh Blood
31.08.2014 17:15 Cinestar Metropolis 8
17:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
The divine Move 신의 한수
Focus Asia
01.09.2014 17:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
17:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
The Treatment De Behandelin
Selected Features
02.09.2014 17:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
17:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Man on High Heels 하이힐
Focus Asia
03.09.2014 17:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
17:15 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
04.09.2014 17:15 Cinestar Metropolis 8
17:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Focus Asia
05.09.2014 17:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
17:15 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
06.09.2014 17:15 Cinestar Metropolis 8
17:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
07.09.2014 17:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
17:15 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Fresh Blood
08.09.2014 17:15 Cinestar Metropolis 8
20:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Opening Night
28.08.2014 20:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
19:30 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
29.08.2014 19:30 Cinestar Metropolis 8
19:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Focus Asia
30.08.2014 19:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
19:30 | CST 8 NN 9.00
31.08.2014 19:30 Cinestar Metropolis 8
19:30 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Fresh Blood
01.09.2014 19:30 Cinestar Metropolis 8
19:30 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
02.09.2014 19:30 Cinestar Metropolis 8
19:30 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
03.09.2014 19:30 Cinestar Metropolis 8
19:15 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
04.09.2014 19:15 Cinestar Metropolis 8
19:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
05.09.2014 19:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8

In Anwesenheit des Regisseurs Daniel Stamm

19:30 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
06.09.2014 19:30 Cinestar Metropolis 8
19:00 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Among the Living Aux yeux de Vivants
Director's Spotlight
07.09.2014 19:00 Cinestar Metropolis 8
19:30 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
08.09.2014 19:30 Cinestar Metropolis 8
21:45 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
29.08.2014 21:45 Cinestar Metropolis 8
21:30 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Fresh Blood
30.08.2014 21:30 Cinestar Metropolis 8
21:30 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Special Premiere Screening
31.08.2014 21:30 Cinestar Metropolis 8
21:30 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
01.09.2014 21:30 Cinestar Metropolis 8
21:45 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Fresh Blood
02.09.2014 21:45 Cinestar Metropolis 8
21:45 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Metalhead Málmhaus
Selected Features
03.09.2014 21:45 Cinestar Metropolis 8
21:15 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
04.09.2014 21:15 Cinestar Metropolis 8
21:30 | CST 8 NN 9.00
The strange Color of Your Body's Tears L'etrange Coleur des Larmes de Ton Corps
Selected Features
05.09.2014 21:30 Cinestar Metropolis 8

In Anwesenheit der Regisseure Hélène Cattet und Bruno Forzani

21:30 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Selected Features
06.09.2014 21:30 Cinestar Metropolis 8
21:15 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Fresh Blood
07.09.2014 21:15 Cinestar Metropolis 8
21:45 | CST 8 NN 9.00
Closing Night
08.09.2014 21:45 Cinestar Metropolis 8
Beat the Silence Centerpiece Closing Night Director's Spotlight Focus Asia Fresh Blood Midnight Madness Opening Night Selected Features Special Premiere Screening